
Remove realplayer adding
Remove realplayer adding

remove realplayer adding

Realplayer is a 3rd party add on that you can have disabled through real player if it messes with the browser. Think there maybe a way to just remove real player from that list by breaking the code some how with out locking it so I can still receive the useful blocks? Got any other ideas for me? =D I'm open to suggestions. So why they didnt slap a warning tag I can blatantly ignore on it instead of making it totally unusable to the point I HAVE to use IE, is beyond me. You dont have to have that on there, and you can also disable it through the browser on your own. I'd rather not edit any of the profile files and screw up everything, I do appreciate the block list, I just want fire fox to make some of this junk optional, y'know?

remove realplayer adding

I just want firefox to stop blockin' crap I use just because they deem they.can? They.have to? -head scratch. The browser itself and sites for the most part work fine for me, I've not had any issues with flash, so that doesnt really concern me in the least. ( as far as flash and add ons go anyway ) Simply because alot of people do not make anything compatible with the only version of firefox I like any more. twitch-Įverything had been working just fine for me until someone started playing with the ^%$#&ing block list. Is there NO WAY to simply remove realplayer from this said block list? I know I can go into about config and disable the -whole- list, which I dont want to do.Ĭant someone make this thing a little more user friendly with the block list? Put some damn check boxes next to it so I can filter what I want.Īnd if someone tells me to update something or another. I have had realplayer on here for YEARS and it has never once caused me any problems.Īnd now because some one decides it causes issues with firefox version whatever, they're going to block it on a master block list for some reasoning? Tch. Which, from my understanding doesnt even apply to my version of firefox. Everything is greyed out thanks to an annoying block list filter. "options/ turn on / enable etc" and what have you. I'm over here cussing a blue streak at this choice of blocking,Įspecially when I cant goto my "add ons" area and simply click Plug in for some ungodly reasoning due to some block list. My issue is someone disabled the realplayer extension / addon /

Remove realplayer adding